Outside the Walls

Saturday May 21, 2022
Dr. Charlie Camosy - The SCOTUS Leak: How Do We Respond?
Saturday May 21, 2022
Saturday May 21, 2022
Dr. Charlie Camosy is a Professor in the Medical Humanities Department at Creighton University Health Sciences in Phoenix AZ and a Fellow in Moral Theology at St. Joseph Seminary in New York. He has a focus on bioethics and has written numerous books on our response and responsibility to the dignity of the human person.Dr. Camosy is the author of numerous books including:
Beyond the Abortion Wars (Eerdmans)
Resisting Throwaway Culture: How a Consistent Life Ethic Can Unite a Fractured People (New City Press)
Losing our Dignity: How Secularized medicine is Undermining Fundamental Human Equality (New City Press)
He is also the Series Editor of the Magenta Project at New City Press.
He joins me on-air to talk about a healthy response to the news of the SCOTUS leak.

Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Dr. Charles C. Camosy - Medical Ethics and Fundamental Human Dignity
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Dr. Charles C. Camosy, associate professor of theological and social ethics at Fordham University, joins us to talk about the importance of defending and promoting fundamental human dignity in the realm of Medical Ethics, particularly resisting dehumanizing models of 'care' when serving an aging population.

Saturday Oct 26, 2019
#259: Dr. Charles C. Camosy - The Importance of a Consistent Life Ethic
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Dr. Charles C. Camosy (www.charlescamosy.com) joins us to talk about his book "Resisting Throwaway Culture: How a Consistent Life Ethic can Unite a Fractured People," available on https://www.newcitypress.com/.
An extra segment is available to all listeners on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/posts/dr-charles-c-31061988

Saturday Nov 11, 2017
#157: Dr. Charlie Camosy — On Adoption
Saturday Nov 11, 2017
Saturday Nov 11, 2017
Dr. Charlie Camosy, Associate Professor of Theological Ethics at Fordham University, and Adoptive Father of three siblings, talks about adoption, faith, and family.
A Second Century Homily
Get extra segments and other perks at http://www.patreon.com/outsidethewalls.

Saturday Jan 23, 2016
#063: Charlie Camosy — Alternative Strategies to End Abortion
Saturday Jan 23, 2016
Saturday Jan 23, 2016
Charlie Camosy, author of Beyond the Abortion Wars, talks about making significant gains toward ending abortion by finding common ground.

Saturday Aug 22, 2015
#040: Charlie Camosy – Pain Capable Act and the Planned Parenthood videos
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Saturday Aug 22, 2015
Charlie Camosy, Associate professor of Theology at Fordham University, and frequent columnist in the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times.
Readings for Saturday, August 22, 2015
The Foreshadowing of the New Age - Guadium et Spes, #39
The Changing tides in Abortion Politics.
The Connection between Poverty and Abortion
The Importance of a Consistent Ethic of Life
Giveaway – 'Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Way Forward for a New Generation' by Charlie Camosy